Yoga are the physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that aim to transform body and mind. The term denotes a variety of schools, practices and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism the best-known being Hatha yoga and Raja yoga. The term yoga is derived from the literal meaning of "yoking together" a span of horses or oxes, but came to be applied to the "yoking" of mind and body.
Nowadays, everyone is health & fitness Conscious. Yoga is an ancient exercise to keep fit your whole body. Here we bring you most popular and effective Yoga Exercises with its Benefits, Contradictions, Precautions & Anatomical Focus with a Full Illustrative & Descriptive Steps to perform it.
*** Features ***
- 45+ Yoga Exercises
- Benefits & Contradictions
- Anatomical Focus
- Tips for Beginners
- Full Illustrative Postures & Description
*** Do’s & Don’ts While Performing Yoga ***
- Time for practice :- Actually anytime is suitable if your stomach is empty. Considering our schedules, the time early in the morning is most suitable for study. The evening time about 4 hours after lunch is also suitable for practice, provided no additional food is taken in between.
- Practice the sessions continuously :- Do not split the time of study in the morning and evening.
- Place :- The place where you are going to study must be spacious, airy, pollution free, warm and with not so bright lights.
- Accessories Used :- You can use carpet or mattress for the study.
- Position :- As explained in ancient texts, you should face either east or north during the study.
- Clothes :- Do not wear tight clothes, but loose clothing during practice.
You should be physically fit to practice.
** Note : This app is designed for Informative and awareness about various Yoga Exercises. Please confirm this from your physician before starting this practice or Consult Yoga Trainer.