The UAE RADR Scheme is vital in helping the MOHAP monitor the safety of all healthcare products in the UAE to ensure they are acceptably safe for patients and those that use them. Reports can be made for all medicines including vaccines, blood factors and immunoglobulins, herbal medicines and homeopathic remedies available on the UAE market.
The Scheme collects information on suspected problems or incidents involving side effects (also known as adverse drug reactions or ADRs), defective medicines (those that are not of an acceptable quality) counterfeit or fake medicines.
It is important for people to report problems experienced with medicine as these are used to identify issues which might not have been previously known. The MOHAP will review the product if necessary and take action to minimise risk and maximise benefit to the patients. The MOHAP is also able to investigate counterfeit or fake medicines and if necessary take action to protect public health.
The UAE RADR app enables you to report side effects and review information published by the MOHAP related to medicines that are of interest to you.
