現在有沒有必要下載應用程序4 - 你可以在一個!
由專業人員使用:建設者,石匠,木匠,督察,金屬製造,也可由普通DIY愛好者 - 我們的精神層面肯定會幫助你與任何上門維修。
- 直觀的使用。只有一招更改設置,可根據您的需求。
- 十大模式。簡單的線或各種閃爍的燈光中。
- 現代設計。我們關心我們產品的功能,而且設計也非常importatnt。錫除了事業,我們的手電筒也得到了獨特的外觀。你會希望有這種手電筒的手機之外!
金屬探測器是在附近通過測量磁場值檢測金屬的存在的應用程序。這個有用的工具使用內置的移動設備的磁傳感器,並顯示在μT(微斯特拉)的磁場水平。在自然界的磁場水平(EMF)約為49μT(微特斯拉)或490mG(毫高斯); 1μT= 10毫克。如果任何金屬附近,磁場的值將增加。
Tool Box is a set of 4 useful, necessary utilities:
★★★★★ Reliable Compass ★★★★★
★★★★★ Precise Bubble Level ★★★★★
★★★★★ Functional Flashlight ★★★★★
★★★★★ Surprising Metal Detector★★★★★
Now there is no need to download 4 applications - you can have all in one!
★★★★★ Reliable Compass ★★★★★
This simple, useful compass allows to take the right course no matter where you exactly are. Application additionally contains LED flashlight.
Virtual compass is a navigation instrument quite realistically imitating the physical device, which shows four cardinal directions. Application finds your actual position (using GPS) and determine all geographical directions. Aesthetic design of this sleek compass won’t distract from your priorities and will helps globetrotters to guide throughout many exciting adventures!
★★★★★ Precise Bubble Level ★★★★★
Also known as a spirit level. With the help of this device you can easily determine whether a given surface is really horizontal.
Used by professionals: builders, stonemasons, carpenters, inspectors, metalworkers, but also by ordinary DIY enthusiasts – our spirit level will certainly help you with any home repairs.
★★★★★ Functional Flashlight ★★★★★
- Intuitive use. Only one move to change the settings, according to your needs.
- Ten modes. Simple ray or variety of blinking lights.
- Modern design.
★★★★★ Surprising Metal Detector★★★★★
Metal Detector is an application which detects the presence of metal nearby by measuring the magnetic field value.