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職涯佔據我們人生約 70% 的時間!sofasoda 集合香港及台灣各行業精英,擔任製課講師,涵蓋主題式課程、實戰案例分析、資深人才對談,內容多元化,絕對接地氣!
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Last updated on 2023年12月18日
Nothing much this week except for bug fixes. Here's something fun and purple-related!
Code-like terms exist in all fields/functions. For recruiters, a ""purple squirrel"" is a perfect candidate, who fits all requirements and qualities for a position. Someone as rare as a purple squirrel!
Keep learning and growing with us, we know you have the potential to be a purple squirrel in the job market!
For updates and news, follow us on Facebook, Instagram (@sofasodahq/ @sofasoda.hk). Till next time!
Code-like terms exist in all fields/functions. For recruiters, a ""purple squirrel"" is a perfect candidate, who fits all requirements and qualities for a position. Someone as rare as a purple squirrel!
Keep learning and growing with us, we know you have the potential to be a purple squirrel in the job market!
For updates and news, follow us on Facebook, Instagram (@sofasodahq/ @sofasoda.hk). Till next time!