Streaming the camera video using the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP).
-Quick capture method
-Two video encoders are available, H264 and VP8
-Work in background as a service
-Support the different camera resolutions and fps
-You can choose between the back facing camera and the front facing camera
View or record video on your computer.
Install VLC http://www.videolan.org
Menu->Media->Open Network Stream... enter http://(device ip address):8080/camera.sdp
Command lines:
View stream - vlc.exe --loop http://(device ip address):8080/camera.sdp
Save stream to file - vlc.exe http://(device ip address):8080/camera.sdp --sout file/mp4:stream.mp4
View and save - vlc.exe http://(device ip address):8080/camera.sdp --sout #duplicate{mux=mp4,dst=display,dst="file{mux=mp4,dst=stream.mp4}"}
FFMpeg http://www.ffmpeg.org
View stream command - ffplay.exe http://(device ip address):8080/camera.sdp
Save stream to file - ffmpeg -i http://(device ip address):8080/camera.sdp -codec copy stream.mp4