RR2 Alliance is an application where a Alliance can keep track of their players like who can champ in upcoming war season,who wants to shield their base in upcoming war season and who are all available for upcomig war season
One can login/signup with their email and password.We don't use your data expect your email to identify each unique account
There are 3 sections in the app
1st Section(Alliance Tab)
In this section one can create or join an alliance.
There are 3 type of players
1) Leader
Leader is a one who created an alliance.He/She has the full rights upon each player and the alliance.He/She can add players to the alliance.He can promote a player to General and can demote a player from General.He/She can kick out a player from alliance.He/She can give war performance ratings to the players and can send notify messages to alert a player
2) General
General also can has all the rights as a Leader has except he/she can't kick out the Leader as well as other Generals
3) Soldier
Soldier is the normal player with no rights to the Alliance
A golden color star is show on each player avatar if that player is already for rated with war performance.
This will be only shown to Leader and Generals and one cant rate their self
2nd Section(War Tab)
This section contains all details about war
3rd Section(Profile Tab)
This section is for to manage the profile of the player
One can set skull bonus ,donations level, war status ,champ status and shield status
If Leader of an alliance exits alliance or deletes the account then one of the Generals selected randomly to be the next Leader
If there are no Generals then one of the Soldiers selected randomly to be the next Leader

Minor Bug Fixes