如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Pooli 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Pooli 所有舊版本。下載 Pooli 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
- 5.6.0(320)APK下載2024年07月16日189.7 MBAndroid 8.0+5.6.0版本更新
- 5.1.0(262)XAPKAPKs下載2024年03月03日63.2 MBAndroid 8.0+5.1.0版本更新
Editable Logs: Directly update logs in history without needing to recreate.
Add items with decimal amounts
Swipe left on TODOs to reschedule for tomorrow
Fixed Profile Photo Upload Bug
Choose test methods more easily
Ensured test strips can be selected in product picker
Improved Combined Chlorine Fix
Thank you Pooli fam: These updates are a direct result of your invaluable feedback. We deeply appreciate your input and love hearing from you. Reach out to us at [email protected] - 5.0.3(259)XAPKAPKs下載2023年11月18日63.1 MBAndroid 8.0+5.0.3版本更新
Fixes bug for custom solution amount calculation in water report
- 4.2.0(227)XAPKAPKs下載2023年09月07日56.8 MBAndroid 6.0+4.2.0版本更新
Resolved issue where 'Effects of Adding' and dosage recommendations were not visible
Added feature for closing your pool for the season. With a single tap, you can now set your pool to 'closed', which will suspend all reminders. Get reminded when it's time to open based on the date you set.
Improvements to test strip scanning. Though not yet perfect, we've improved our photo sampling. You can control the number of samples used for improving result consistency from preferences. - 4.1.0(213)XAPKAPKs下載2023年08月24日56.7 MBAndroid 6.0+4.1.0版本更新
Easily share your reminder list via email, keeping everyone informed.
Upgraded water report email for better clarity and understanding.
Select your preferred app theme in preferences, independent of system settings.
Dark mode visuals improved for a seamless experience.
Fixed an issue with test reordering for smoother customization.
Thanks for being a part of our community. Always improving for you! - 4.0.1(208)XAPKAPKs下載2023年08月17日56.7 MBAndroid 6.0+4.0.1版本更新
New in-depth tutorials for testing and scanning. Tap the question mark while testing or scanning to view testing tips and best practices.
Fixes bugs: null error, the keyboard hiding, water fill metric units
Pooli weather in 4.0.0 has smart reporting tailored to your city's weather and recent water tests. Weather summaries can be added to logs. Weather and forecast information is available to all users, ensuring you always know when it's the best time for a swim. Toggle on/off in preferences - 4.0.0(201)XAPKAPKs下載2023年08月12日56.7 MBAndroid 6.0+4.0.0版本更新
AI-Driven Weather Reports (Club Members Exclusive):
Get smart reports tailored to your pool's specific location and its recent status. Enjoy weather summaries added to logs. Weather and forecast information is available to all users, ensuring you always know when it's the best time for a swim. Toggle on/off in preferences.
Testing is now more intuitive. View past tests and target values while entering values
Dive into our revamped "My Pool" page, designed with user-friendliness in mind - 3.12.0(177)XAPKAPKs下載2023年06月25日55.9 MBAndroid 6.0+3.12.0版本更新
Your inventory just got upgraded!
- Add photos, barcodes, and notes to inventory items
- Easily search for specific items in inventory with new search bar and scan your barcode or QR code to log an addition
- Combined Chlorine is now presented below Free Chlorine by default (enable CC recommendations from the water test preferences)
- The "Club members only" text is removed from buttons for pool club members
- Set custom date and time for notes - 3.11.1(167)XAPKAPKs下載2023年06月13日55.9 MBAndroid 6.0+3.11.1版本更新
Fix bugs related to posting questions and answers to ask pooli forum
Allow changing payment method for active subscriptions
Add support for Military Base addresses
Fixed a bug that shows a null error message during checkout - 3.11.0(164)XAPKAPKs下載2023年05月12日55.8 MBAndroid 6.0+3.11.0版本更新
Updated 'Cost To Operate' tool. Track costs of Pumps, Lights, Robotic Cleaners, and Heaters by day/month/year.
We've added a search feature to our Chemical Atlas.
Our AI model just got an upgrade! Have a pool problem? Just ask in the pool forum and get smarter, more accurate solutions.
We've added a new tip for incremental dosages in your water report
The Pool Size Estimator now includes a metric toggle for our international users and fixed the metric display for water temperature targets
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