- changed labels menu view;
- selection of notes by a set of labels;
- renaming/removing a shortcut is applied to all files containing this shortcut.
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Notepad 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Notepad 所有舊版本。下載 Notepad 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
- changed labels menu view;
- selection of notes by a set of labels;
- renaming/removing a shortcut is applied to all files containing this shortcut.
- the list of recent files now saves files of all types, not just notes
- protected files are saved in the list of recent files
- the folder opened (in the next tab) is now highlighted in the file list
- the color of the highlighted navigation bar item is now gray
- drop-down menus are automatically closed after use
- when deleting a file to the trash, confirmation is no longer required
- the menu item "Set a new password" has been removed from the navigation menu
- the list of recent files now saves files of all types, not just notes
- protected files are saved in the list of recent files
- the folder opened (in the next tab) is now highlighted in the file list
- the color of the highlighted navigation bar item is now gray
- drop-down menus are automatically closed after use
- when deleting a file to the trash, confirmation is no longer required
- the menu item "Set a new password" has been removed from the navigation menu
- the list of recent files now saves files of all types, not just notes
- protected files are saved in the list of recent files
- the folder opened (in the next tab) is now highlighted in the file list
- the color of the highlighted navigation bar item is now gray
- drop-down menus are automatically closed after use
- when deleting a file to the trash, confirmation is no longer required
- the menu item "Set a new password" has been removed from the navigation menu
- the ability to change the order of bookmarks has been added
- the ability to set a name for bookmarks to display in the menu has been added
- the ability to change the order of requests has been added
- the ability to specify the name of queries to display in the menu has been added
- the ability to lock the auto-rotation in the video player has been added
- shortcut selection applies only to the current folder tab
- significantly accelerated work with shortcuts with a large number of files
- white notepad theme (and its dark version) improved
- new search context menu item "search only in file name" added
- link to the home page in "About" added
- previews of video files are displayed in the list of notes
- built-in video player added
- white notepad theme (and its dark version) improved
- new search context menu item "search only in file name" added
- link to the home page in "About" added
- previews of video files are displayed in the list of notes
- built-in video player added
- date format can be set in settings
- setting checks, lists, listings in the note editor is applied to the selection for each paragraph
- added new features for receiving data from other applications (folder selection, note selection...)
- added an option to change the title color in the widget settings
- visual improvements of Notepad in accordance with the new features of Android 12
- new design of the synchronization settings in accordance with the requirements of Google
- improved speed of Notepad on file operations using content providers
- in the dialog for adding bookmarks, it is now possible to insert a bookmark to the current folder
- a removable memory card (if available) has been added to the list of backup storage locations
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