With this update we are releasing some graphics changes and fixing some minor bugs. How does it work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Modo 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Modo 所有舊版本。下載 Modo 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
With this update we are releasing some graphics changes and fixing some minor bugs. How does it work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
With this update we are releasing the new graphic of the Homepage. You can connect using the "Connect" button or by bringing your smartphone close to the module installed on the sales point. The purchase history is available by clicking on the "Account" tab. The communications can be reached by clicking on the "bell" icon . In this release the "support" section has been redesigned.
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
A new version of the app is available! We constantly update our services in order to improve the shopping experience.
With this update we are releasing a new layout of the registration and login procedure. Also we have fixed some minor bugs.
How does the APP work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
A new version of the app is available! We constantly update our services in order to improve the shopping experience.
With this update we are releasing a new layout of the registration and login procedure. Also we have fixed some minor bugs.
How does the APP work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
A new version of the app is available! We constantly update our services in order to improve the shopping experience.
With this update we are releasing a new layout of the registration and login procedure. Also we have fixed some minor bugs.
How does the APP work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
A new version of the app is available! We constantly update our services in order to improve the shopping experience.
With this update we are releasing a new layout of the Loyalty Stars and we have also fixed some minor bugs. How does the APP work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
A new version of the app is available! We constantly update our services in order to improve the shopping experience.
With this update we are releasing a new layout of the Loyalty Stars and we have also fixed some minor bugs. How does the APP work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
A new version of the app is available! We constantly update our services in order to improve the shopping experience.
With this update we are releasing a new layout of the Loyalty Stars and we have also fixed some minor bugs. How does the APP work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
A new version of the app is available! We constantly update our services in order to improve the shopping experience.
With this update we are releasing a new layout of the home page and we have also fixed some minor bugs. How does the APP work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;
"A new version of the app is available! We constantly update our services in order to improve the shopping experience.
With this update we manage the possibility of setting the disconnection mode from the automated sales point and we have also fixed some minor bugs. How does the APP work?
- Sign in;
- Bring your device close to the vending machine;
- Top up your wallet with coins or credit card;"
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