Lovely Photo Collage help you create awesome photo collage with grids, layouts, frames style and more.
Make your photo more awesome, beautiful and amazing to save or share with everyone.
Choose photo from your gallery or take photo and create beautiful photo collage with your style!
Choose photo grid or frame style and collect your photo and save/share
Lovely Photo Collage features:
-Quickly combine photos into grid layout or photo frame art
-Lot of frame style: More than 40 high resolution frames. All frames are very beautiful, modern and lovely!
-Two style support: grid photo and frame photo
-All frames available, don't need download more
-Template frames: We have 40 high resolution frames. You can decorate your photo with a lot of style of frames and styles
-Choose photos from gallery or take pictures from camera with high resolution
-Edit your photo with extremely power tool: Zoom-in, zoom-out, move, drag, cute your photo into grid layout
-Easy to use and easy photo sharing with sweet photo frame
-Lovely Grid collect pics and create a collage
Lovely Photo Collage guide: Combine your photos with few step

Lovely Photo Collage APK信息