Bangladeş, Güney Doğu Asya'dan gelişen bir millettir
Bangladesh is a creating nation from South East Asia having populace of 167 million. Agreeing the World wellbeing Organization upheld study 2009 there are 0.84% youngsters are experiencing Autism Spectrum issue. Against this extent of sickness load just 200 therapists, and predetermined number of other well-being experts are serving the country. This app is use not only autism children but also all that children which age is [1-5]. In this app we use many learning materials which can be helpful for any children. We use many fun materials which will give a children mind pleasure as well as they can learn many things by playing of this app. We use some emotion detector function which will help some autism children to detach their emotion and help them to know about what emotion they see in camera. So, the app is useful to learn and fun for any children.