FieldEnable захватывает деталь визита путем отслеживания сотрудников на местах ежедневных усилий.
An android app which tracks the Field employee activity who are always on the Go. The app is also supported by an admin panel to track the locations of Field Staff and manage their day to day efforts by capturing authentic data from their visited locations. FieldEnable app covers all the activities that are a part and parcel of Field Service Management. The Salesteam / Field Staff can meet clients, present product based presentataions, Submit product samples, update Instant feedback and Book orders from their prospective clients. Check-in and Check-out update along with Visit result and Duration of Meetings/visits will be synched. Records daily efforts and distance covered per day. End to end Tracking of the Field Staff from the Start of Shift to End of Shift will improve productivity of field Team. Field staff will be reminded to TimeIn and TimeOut based on Company TimeIn/Out times.