Wees de eerste vogel reizen door kosmische sterrenstelsels.
Be the first bird travelling across cosmic galaxies. Prepare to work hard to get as far as you can by flapping your wings. Enjoy picturesque scenery of distant planets, but be aware of scarce air supply. Control your flight with body tilts and flapping your wings to catch as much precious air balloons as you can or your bird will vanish in such a harsh environment. This game was designed to showcase full body control by VicoVR sensor but can be played in a more relaxed manner with simple HMD tilt control (if you do not have VicoVR sensor). VicoVR sensor is the World’s first wireless 3D sensor for Mobile VR bringing your full body into Mobile virtual reality without PC or wearable sensors. For more information about VicoVR sensor please visit www.vicovr.com