간단하고 쉬운 소재 디자인 메모 응용 프로그램을 사용하는
TwoNotes is a simple note taking app designed and developed with material design specs kept in mind.
⚫ Save, update and delete notes.
⚫ Pin important notes to notification drawer
⚫ Two layout themes available to display notes: Grid and List View
⚫ Dark theme
This app is designed and developed by Annsh Singh (Team TwoDroid).
Follow him at -
Github - https://github.com/annshsingh
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/annsh-singh/
Feel free to give us feedback from the "About" section of the app or by directly emailing us at - twodroid001@gmail.com
We will try our best to incorporate all the features suggested by you and to keep the app updated with new features.
Do not forget to rate and also share this app with your friends :)
Icon credits :
⚫ Icons8 - https://icons8.com/icon/pack/Social-Networks
⚫ Material Icons - https://material.io/icons/