당신이 구글에서 제안을 사냥 할 준비가되어! ..
Google suggestions are turned into a game.
Google is clever enough to complete queries. What about you, can you guess what people search for?
You are asked to complete a search query. Top ten popular results are listed and you try to find results among them.
Do you think it is easy to know what people search for, give it a try. You will not believe what people are looking for :)
Umm lets have a look at one of them. What would be the most popular suggestions for:
- why do i have ...
1 to pee so much --> could you guess this one :)
2 so much gas :)
3 heartburn
4 a headache
5 anxiety
You can share interesting searches on facebook, twitter, google+, whatsapp...
Also it is much more fun when you play it with your friends or family. It will be your new popular group activity when you come together with your friends. It is a perfect party game.
Can you beat google, lets hunt down some queries.