휴대 전화의 공식 경고
EUWARN is a service app for the protection of citizens who wish to be warned of potential danger and disaster within Europe. The app can deliver location-based notification in case of an alert, such as major fire or extreme weather conditions, and additionally offers the possibility of always being informed for seven pre-selected locations. This selection can be cancelled, adjusted and switched off at any time. By using energy-efficient location via base stations and WLAN access points (and not via GPS), the battery is only slightly discharged.
EUWARN reports official warning from authorised authorities, institutions and control centres that have implemented the EUWARN system.
The app has the following functions:
• Active notification (push messages) of dangers for up to eight locations: in addition to the current location ("Guardian Angel"), seven selectable locations
• Postcode-specific warnings for the selected locations with warning texts and color-based classification of the warning level
• Continuous, anonymised updating of location information, so that no further manual entries are necessary for the location
• Immediate notification when entering a current danger area
• Feedback function for feedback to the app service provider
For questions and bug reports please contact [email protected].