벨소리 및 메시지와 함께 Dashain와 티 하르을 즐길 수 있습니다.
Download Dashain Tihar Ringtones and Messages app.
You can get best malshree and mangal dhun (मालश्री, मंगल धुन) and other dashain/tihar themed songs. You can listen tones or set them as ringtones. You can set as default, personal tone, notification tone or alarm tones.
Enjoy the best part of dashain with soothing music.
You can also view list of messages that you can send to your friends. Just scan through all the wish messages and select the one you want to send your friends as Dashain wish.
Dashain and Tihar are the biggest festival of Nepal and this app wants to be the part of it by sharing popular ringtones and wish messages.
We would like to wish Happy Dashain and Tihar to all Nepalese people and wish for the prosperous year ahead.
Features of Dashain Tihar Ringtones and Messages App
- This app works even in offline mode so you do not need to be online everytime you want to use your app.
- Best Songs and tones are available to listen or set as ringtone.
- You can set ringtone as default, set for favorite person or set as alarm.
- Wish Messages: You can scan through wish messages and send the message as SMS/Viber/WhatsApp
Download app now and enjoy!
Happy Dashain and Tihar !
All the contents included in app are gathered from different online sources. We don't own copyright on any of the images, audios and videos used inside our app. If you think your content is used without your permission, please send us your request to remove content from our app. We will respond you positively within 48 hours.