카메라로 자동차를 포착 할 수있게 해주는 증강 현실 게임
Car Spotting by MotorTrend is a real-world gaming app for anyone who has ever seen a car and wished they could park it in their garage. We have created a custom algorithm to enable your camera to recognize hundreds of cars including 17 car cards for you to collect in your virtual garage.
Augmented Reality car capture using machine learning to recognize and capture cars in the real world using your phone’s camera.
Virtual garage featuring target cars to seek out and capture. Once captured you can unlock these cars in your garage and view specs including an overview, stats on power and performance, and pricing.
Touch the camera capture icon to access the capture screen.
Simply point your camera at one of the target cars and look for the meter at the bottom of the screen to fill up as the car is identified.
Once captured, target cars in your virtual garage can be unlocked to view informations and stats about that vehicle.