Stream Blast - Anime / Drama / Movies All in 1 - Free Watching and Download.
Stream Blast - Anime / Drama / Movies and light with small size All in 1 With Less Ads,
in Stream Blast we Offer you an Easy Access to a Wide Variety of the Famous Free Sites with the best content based on animes, movies and more just in one place, we have Carefully Chosen These Sites and we Always Update the App With New Content,
1-unlimited source of shows
2-fast and light
3-small size
4-no ads
Stream Blast Works as a browser based on webview, WE DO NOT OWN ANY SITE NOR THEIR CONTENTS, please read the disclaimer.
Anime Based Sites.
+ gogoanime
+ 9anime
+ kissanime
+ animefrenzy
+ animeawake
+ animedao
+ animepahe
+ easyaccessanime
+ animetake
Movies/Drama Based Sites.
+ fmovies
+ putlocker
+ m4ufree
+ 123movies
+ watchmovie
disclaimer: This is not an official application made by these sites and we do not have any relations with them. The names and trademark of each site in this app are the property of the copyright holders , our app only works as a browser providing content that is published in the free access of the sites mentioned above based on webview and a powerful adblock, The fan art characters are only the property of the copyright holders(the ones who made them), downloading option may not be add in the future updates if causes any violation, We are not responsible for any violation of intellectual property.

最新バージョン 1.7 の更新情報
*fixed in tablets when video doesnt go fullscreen
*major bugs fixed upon pausing the videos
*new enhanced UI
*new sites added
*lower size
*less ads shown
*fast loading enhanced
*rating and recommendations implemented
Stream Blast - Anime/Drama/Movies APK 情報