New generation injection tools for your MOBA game
Tools of the latest generation for your MOBA game.
For your MOBA game, Phtools is an update to the previous tools that were utilized to unlock skins. We present to you the latest and efficient auto injection algorithm for unlocking your preferred skins. It has many features that you will be amazed by. All Android versions are largely supported. Almost every Android version is supported.
Whenever you feel as though you cannot afford any of your preferred hero skins. As for the best injection tools to unlock it, our app "Injectools" is far superior to the others. By utilizing our app, we guarantee that your gameplay will improve and you will enjoy the game for a longer period of time.
That's not all, either; we don't collect user data, making our software the finest injection tool since it guarantees the security of your device and accounts. Importantly, the MOBA inject*r father, who created the original inject*r from the Philippines, is one of the app's creators.
There are numerous features in Injectools; these are some of them.
Auto injection
If you are unfamiliar with the term "auto inject," it refers to the injection of customized files into the directory of your preferred game. According to the definition of the phrase, files are first downloaded from the server before being copied or moved to the game directory.
We save your recent activity to your local storage after injection is complete.
Internet and offline databases
For offline use, the software itself stores the database on local storage. The database is then loaded from the server if it is accessible.
Add scripts
Manually adding scripts from various servers is possible; however, keep in mind that each server is identified by a different name.
Search mods
This page contains the most recent mods.
Intro changer
Just keep in mind that we disable this feature starting from Android 11 and up, this feature is used to change the games intro video.
Enjoy our app; we're working hard to make a reliable unlocker for your favorite skins. Even though the game may identify our app as a third party, you can still use it; simply uninstall it after injecting a hero skin and reinstall it if you want to unlock more skins. As a final warning, use it at your own account risk. All the best.