Play online, on local WiFi, or offline with bots (use 'Server' menu).
Comfortable swipe-based touchscreen controls. You can enable a joystick for touchscreen in Settings - General.
Gamepads are supported.
Sources: https://github.com/pelya/commandergenius/tree/sdl_android/project/jni/application/ninslash
apk file: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libsdl-android/files/apk/Ninslash/
Windows binaries and dedicated server: http://ninslash.com/download/
Forum: https://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=11977
Server should authenticate local client automatically.
Cannot vote with gamepad.
Cannot repair turrets.
Local server can only play generated maps.
Statistics for online servers:

最新バージョン の更新情報
Background objects to generated level
Rising acid level to survival mode (on timeout)
New invasion maze type
New enemies to invasion
Other minor fixes