This application records text changes in text input fields.
The purpose of this application is to record text changes to recover accidentally deleted text. The recorded data is being stored on the device in a secure and private database which is accessible only by the application. The data will not be transferred or shared with other applications or out of the device without the explicit intention of the user.
Accessibility Service «Keylogger» must be activated manually so that this application can work properly. Using Accessibility Service allows the application to record text changes in text input fields. Excluded from recording are passwords and text in sensitive applications.

Keylogger 27
2023年12月14日1.4 MB
Keylogger 23
2021年10月11日1.3 MB
Keylogger 22
2021年09月21日1.4 MB
Keylogger 21
2021年08月14日1.4 MB