The SAMSUNG DVM Mobile Application was launched by SAMSUNG Electronics Co。 Ltd to support Dealers、Contractors and installers in the air conditioning industry for their field work in Jan 2014。 It is the first version of mobile Application for SAMSUNG DVM air conditioner officially。 Enhancements to the application were built through feedbacks and key features updated on this application include:
Marketing&Technical Information
News&Notice、Marketing Survey、Video Clips、Control&Solution、Specification、Capacity Chart、SEER / SCOP、Energy Simulation、Noise Calculation、Refrigerant Amount Calculation、Refrigerant Properties browsing、Unit Conversion、Psychrometric Chart。
Marketing News、Product News、Local News、Engineering News。
Marketing Survey
Survey&feedback all about SAMSUNG DVM
Video Clips
Reference film、technical explanation with motion graphics、so on
Technical information of SAMSUNG DVM controller、FAQ
Browsing product detail specification
Capacity Chart
Browsing DVM indoor&outdoor capacity by temperature
Simulate DVM outdoor's SEER / SCOP
Energy Simulation
Energy simulation of DVM indoor&outdoor by using annual temperature data。
Noise Calculation
Simulate noise level of multiple outdoor unit
Refrigerant Amount Calculation
Calculate additional refrigerant amount when installing
Refrigerant Properties browsing
Browse the refrigerant properties by temperature or pressure。
Unit Conversion
Calculate&convert the unit。
Psychrometric Chart。
Browse the air properties by temperature
* Various new features that allows ease of pushing and sharing of information in Application
* Some features and modules are available for some countries。
More information and features would be included in gradual phases that are necessary and relevant to Dealers and Contractor support。
Feedbacks are welcome through in-application submission。
The SAMSUNG DVM Mobile Application is customised and localised for global countries except china。