DJPT Kebugaran App
DGPT is an online web and mobile application, enabling our trainers to manage our clients by creating custom training and nutrition programmes. With this app, you can also track progress, achievements and your entire fitness journey and is available for clients only of DGPT. This app allows you to track and log your workouts that your trainer will specifically assign to you while providing exercise instructions and instructional videos on all exercises. It also allows you to build your own workouts in this and log them as you go on. When you have completed workouts they all automatically save and a notification is sent to your trainer notifying him/her you have completed one of the plans. The app also allows you to build nutrition programs and find out calorie and macro nutrient breakdown of foods on our food data base. While also keeping up to date on all your measurements and progress photos to see how you are progressing from the very first ones to present. You can also message your trainer through the app making communication fast and effective.