Update time! We’ve squashed some bugs and made a few general improvements to the app. Oh yeah, you can now share GIFs in chat. Happy yakking!
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Yik Yak 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Yik Yak 所有旧版本。下载 Yik Yak 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
Update time! We’ve squashed some bugs and made a few general improvements to the app. Oh yeah, you can now share GIFs in chat. Happy yakking!
Update time! We’ve squashed some bugs and made a few general improvements to the app. Oh yeah, you can now share GIFs in chat. Happy yakking!
Big news! This update brings back user-favorite features. We heard you!
Here’s what’s up:
1. Handles are optional again. Post a yak with or without your handle, the choice is yours!
2. The Hot feed returns! Sort your local feed by the newest or top-voted yaks.
We’re committed to making sure we’re doing right by you and your herds. That’s why we’re building Yik Yak, to help your communities connect! So please keep sharing your feedback with us. Stay funky. — The Yak
Update time! We’ve simplified the onboarding experience and made it even easier to edit your profile. You can also pull-to-refresh the yak detail screen to view the newest replies. Enjoy!
We're back at it again with some bug fixes and minor improvements to the app! We've made it easy to find your yaks and replies by moving them to your profile. You can also tap on a user's avatar from a chat thread to view their profile. Enjoy!
Now you can see how many times your profile has been viewed by other Yakkers. We’ve also squashed some bugs and made a few general improvements to the app.
Private profile views - see how many times your profile is viewed by other yakkers
Profile swiping - swipe to view more local yakkers
A cleaner profile layout
Larger local yakkers widget
This update’s packed with features to help you feel even more connected to your local herd!
#Now: Share what you’re up to now (watching football? learning to juggle?) as another way to spark a connection.
Local Yakkers: Find & connect with other Yakkers who are also down to hike or binge-watch GoT.
Explore: A fresh new Explore tab houses all sorts of ways to explore the world around you.
We've also updated our privacy policy: yikyak.com/privacy
For more, check out blog.yikyak.com/new-on-yik-yak
This update’s packed with features to help you feel even more connected to your local herd!
#Now: Share what you’re up to now (watching football? learning to juggle?) as another way to spark a connection.
Local Yakkers: Find & connect with other Yakkers who are also down to hike or binge-watch GoT.
Explore: A fresh new Explore tab houses all sorts of ways to explore the world around you.
We've also updated our privacy policy: yikyak.com/privacy
For more, check out blog.yikyak.com/new-on-yik-yak
This update’s packed with features to help you feel even more connected to your local herd!
#Now: Share what you’re up to now (watching football? learning to juggle?) as another way to spark a connection.
Local Yakkers: Find & connect with other Yakkers who are also down to hike or binge-watch GoT.
Explore: A fresh new Explore tab houses all sorts of ways to explore the world around you.
We've also updated our privacy policy: yikyak.com/privacy
For more, check out blog.yikyak.com/new-on-yik-yak
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