myKLOVE was designed uniquely for you! Grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ through life-giving wisdom that is culturally relevant, inspiring and biblically sound.
By downloading the myKLOVE app, you are investing in the MOST important relationship—your walk with God.
A Journey Through Your Day with myKLOVE (or What’s Inside):
• Before your feet touch the ground in the morning, start a fire in your soul with the VERSE OF THE DAY.
• When your heart can’t take another negative rant, stop zombing scrolling and refresh your spirit with a 3-5 minute DAILY DEVOTIONAL.
• At the end of it all, put your feet up and unwind with one of our PLANS to soak in the truth of God’s word.
• And for all those moments in between, find community on the PRAYER WALL so you don’t have to travel alone.

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