MYKI's technology and team have been acquired by JumpCloud. We have made the difficult decision to discontinue our products on April 10 2022. More information available when you launch the app.
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 MYKI 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 MYKI 所有旧版本。下载 MYKI 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
MYKI's technology and team have been acquired by JumpCloud. We have made the difficult decision to discontinue our products on April 10 2022. More information available when you launch the app.
This update includes minor bug fixes and improvements.
We fixed an issue with phone numbers on signup.
This update also includes minor bug fixes and improvements.
## Autofill
The Autofill feature has been completely revamped for this latest release.
Better filtering and search when autofilling passwords.
In addition, we added the ability to autofill payment card details as an experimental feature.
We've also resolved some issues with autofill on newer Android versions.
This update also includes minor bug fixes and improvements.
## Personal Items Sharing
It is now possible to share items with other MYKI users. In addition to sharing access to your own items, you'll also be able to receive access to items shared with you by other users, as well as revoke access to a shared item, in case you no longer wish to share that item with the other user.
This update also includes minor bug fixes and improvements.
## Assign Groups to Managed Companies
MSP Admins now have the ability to assign a group of users to a specific managed company, giving everyone in that group access to the company in one go. Groups can also be unassigned, instantly restricting access to every user in that group. In addition, a user can be reactivated or removed from all managed companies at once from within the MSP portal.
In addition to general bug fixes and improvements
## Introducing: Adding Items to Enterprise Folders
The process of migrating a personal item into a company folder wasn't the smoothest experience for enterprise users.
In this update, enterprise users will now be able to use their mobile or desktop apps to:
- Move personal items directly into any folder they have access to with 'show password' permission
- Edit enterprise items that they have 'show password' permission on
In addition to general bug fixes and improvements
## Introducing: Adding Items to Enterprise Folders
The process of migrating a personal item into a company folder wasn't the smoothest experience for enterprise users.
In this update, enterprise users will now be able to use their mobile or desktop apps to:
- Move personal items directly into any folder they have access to with 'show password' permission
- Edit enterprise items that they have 'show password' permission on
In addition to general bug fixes and improvements
General bug fixes and improvements.
Thank you all for your feedback. If you’re enjoying the app we’d love it if you could spread the love by sharing it with friends/colleagues/family and leaving us a great review!
General bug fixes and improvements.
Thank you all for your feedback. If you’re enjoying the app we’d love it if you could spread the love by sharing it with friends/colleagues/family and leaving us a great review!
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