Bug fixes
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 loop 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 loop 所有旧版本。下载 loop 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
Bug fixes
This time around we have put our focus on improvements around the problem report functionality. Resulting in these new features and optimizations:
◆ Display of problem reports in the feed, relevant to the work situation
◆ Possibility to set reports to "resolved"
◆ Better overview of resolved and unresolved problems
◆ Assignment of multiple team members
◆ Support of videos
Happy looping...
Pascal from the loop team
This version includes ramp up features for the upcoming maintenance functionality in loop. If you want to use loop to assist regular maintenance activities, just drop us a note and you'll get early access to the following features:
◆ New template "maintenance"
◆ Set maintenance status
◆ Report failures
◆ Schedule maintenance tasks
◆ Show duration of maintenance tasks
Happy looping...
Pascal from the loop team
Some more refinements and internal preparations for the upcoming maintenance features...
Happy looping...
Pascal from the loop team
In preparation for an upcoming big release (hint: it's all about maintenance ;-)) this is just a minor one with a few user facing features:
◆ A new permission to allow team members to invite others
◆ Possibility to upload videos from the gallery of the device
... and, of course, many more optimizations and fixes.
Happy looping...
Pascal from the loop team
Have you ever wondered why loop is called "loop"? Because we want to help frontline teams establish a feedback "loop" between those asking for support and those giving a hand. Now it is becoming even easier: Every time somebody reports a problem, the assignee promptly is getting notified. And vice versa when help is on the way.
Additionally, we have added:
◆ A new native checklist template
◆ Ability to share links to loop content
... and, you guessed it: many more optimizations and fixes.
This update brings a new look to loop:
◆ Big hero images, fancy headlines, and clearer content types in the Feed
◆ A new context picker which makes sorting for relevant know-how even easier
◆ More visibility on the currently applied context
...and of course minor optimizations and the usual bug squashing.
Happy looping...
Pascal from the loop team
Hi there!
At work you are seldomly a member of just a single team. Different tasks, objectives or organizational circumstances make you part of many more teams. That's why we are now introducing the possibility to join multiple loop teams with your account.
New features:
◆ Join and switch between multiple teams on-the-fly
◆ Add images to steps in step-by-step templates
◆ You can confirm a new account on a PC, too (like it's the 90s ;-))
Hope you like it...
Pascal from the loop team
Hi there!
This is just a small update with some fixes and improvements, nothing fancy. (The next big update is looming, though. ;-))
And as usual: keep your feedback coming!
Pascal from the loop team
Hi there!
With this update we are expanding the possibilities to share knowledge on-the-go. From now on you are able to create truly native step-by-step instructions right from the app. Add steps, re-arrange them, or simply delete them with a swipe. Just choose the step-by-step template and off you go...
And as usual: keep your feedback coming!
Pascal from the loop team
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