你需要购买一个适配器UVC像这样:http://goo.gl/tkM3Iv注意,黑色EasyCap USB适配器不会与此应用程序的工作。
- 抬头显示器模式(1图片)
- FPV护目镜模式(立体,2张图像,并排)
- 记录(点击相机)。注意,这可能会增加一个显著延迟。我建议你通过板载摄像头(GoPro的?)记录在你的护目镜FPV飞行时不录制。
- 自动负载时的适配器插入
电子邮件与我的问题或建议:[email protected]

Last updated on 2017年09月01日
2.2.2 - Updates UVC library to support more devices
2.2.1 - Faster frame rendering. Could also fix crashes on some devices.
2.2 - Added support for 64bit arm targets including the Nexus 6p
2.1 - Optimize image rendering pipeline. When the device is under load, trading speed for image quality, ensuring we display the most up-to-date frame instead of ensuring smooth video.
UVC MPEG support only. YUYV support pending.
2.1.1 - fix crash on load on platforms including android 22 and below
2.2.1 - Faster frame rendering. Could also fix crashes on some devices.
2.2 - Added support for 64bit arm targets including the Nexus 6p
2.1 - Optimize image rendering pipeline. When the device is under load, trading speed for image quality, ensuring we display the most up-to-date frame instead of ensuring smooth video.
UVC MPEG support only. YUYV support pending.
2.1.1 - fix crash on load on platforms including android 22 and below