Our story takes place a century after Gailardia 2. This latest installment wraps up the trilogy.
Again a party of four heroes set out on a journey, undertaking various jobs as they do so. Special items will allow you to give all your characters Advanced Jobs and change between jobs.
Gailardia 3 also allows the player to rearrange the order of party members.
The new Full Heal magic conveniently lets you restore full HP to your entire party (though not during battle).
Other improvements include a greater variety of backgrounds during battle and an easier-to-read, full-screen World Map.

Gailardia 3历史版本
Gailardia 3 1.5
5.6 MB2020年07月05日
Gailardia 3 1.4
5.8 MB2020年03月02日
Gailardia 3 1.1
632.7 KB2015年12月17日