关于Full Classic Movies
Huge collection of full length, old classic movies to watch. Almost 500 movies to select. Get more information about movie by checking IMDb or Amazon page for selected title.
All movies in this application are legal (public domain).
Application requires internet connection and YouTube player or Flash capable browser to play videos.
If your phone has HDMI output you can watch movies directly on TV.
List of categories with number of movies:
- Action movies (52)
- Adventure movies (59)
- Animation movies (3)
- Biography movies (7)
- Comedy movies (173)
- Crime movies (80)
- Documentary movies (39)
- Drama movies (200)
- Family movies (9)
- Fantasy movies (19)
- Film-Noir movies (41)
- History movies (20)
- Horror movies (85)
- Music movies (13)
- Musical movies (22)
- Mystery movies (76)
- Romance movies (113)
- Sci-Fi movies (49)
- Short movies (84)
- Sport movies (4)
- Thriller movies (65)
- War movies (69)
- Western movies (51)