对黑暗的恐惧? 不再!
简单而实用的手电筒,将永远与你同在 - 从我们Netigen工具集的新应用程序。
应用程序比你想象的更有用。有用在你每天的生活,更极端的情况。随着我们的手电筒,你不会打滑,当灯光熄灭。没有任何问题,你会发现在黑暗电影院大厅你的钱包。 野营之旅?它总是好的有其它光源!
New app from our Netigen Utilities collection - simple and functional flashlight, that will always be with you.
At least, until battery of your phone run out.
- Intuitive use. Only one move to change the settings, according to your needs.
- Ten modes. Simple ray or variety of blinking lights.
- Modern design. We care about functionality of our products, but design is also very importatnt. tIn addition to utilities, our flashlight got also unique look. You will want to have this kind of flashlight outside your phone!
- App more useful than you think. Helpful in your everyday life and more extreme situations. With our flashlight you won’t slip, when the lights go out. Without any problems you will find your wallet in the dark cinema. Camping trip? It’s always good to have another source of light!
With our flashlight you will tame the darkness!