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- the application not working with the 加速
Free Video Player is Video player will provides an enhanced viewing experience in multiple languages that suits every taste and reference.
Free Video Player state-of-the-art application allows for the all peoples can rich and comprehensive source of cultural, educational, musical and entertaining content from anywhere, at anytime.
You can have access to hundreds of live international TV channels and Vod on your Android device. Watch more than 1,000 hours of your favourite Movies and recent TV series directly on your mobile device
Download Free Video player App today and start enjoying your favourite television programming via your Android device from anywhere in the world.
the application features .
- this release didn't support android 4.x
- in this release enhancement for the player .
- login with facebook for more security .
- adding settings for the screen resolution size .
- adding memory test to know if your device is support and will working good or no .
- using notifications from the server end .
- New Modern Style
- easy to activate the account .
- easy search with suggestions .
- classifications and grouping .
- good and smart player .
- auto adjustment the display .
- easy menu .
- pause and resume the stream or play the video .
Follow us at the Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FreeIPTV.org/

- add Sorting for favorites
- add Player in the startup
- can add to favorites from the search
Fire Free TV APK信息