Bug Fixing:
1. Ramadan Calendar Date adjustments
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Bug Fixing:
1. Ramadan Calendar Date adjustments
1.Markdown Support in EBS Feed: Users can now format their posts using Markdown for better readability and text styling.
2.iCommune Integration: The iCommune app will now automatically launch when users punch in through the EBS app (applicable only for the Mirpur office).
I3.nsightDB Integration: The InsightDB app can now be launched directly through the EBS app.
1.Added in-app login functionality.
2.New navigation bar transition in the feed.
3.Multiple video posting feature with mute button.
4.External app suggestions when sharing posts.
5.Featured photos in profiles now slide after preview.
Bug Fixes:
1.Resolved Meeting not being added after creating.
2.Corrected video playback and progress bar merging.
3.Removing tag option from Reward point Check-in.
4.Improved photo alignment in feed.
5.Toast notifications for every check-in action.
1.Video playing feature in feed after posting(Max-10mb for now).
2.Universal file icon will be in drive.
3.Branch adding facilities in account.
4.Notification style update.
5.In drive, Files will get previewed.(Picture &PDF)
1.Attendance icons color change.
2.Home town photos UI error solved.
3.Leave form full ui update as per new UI.
5.Codelab task added in work login task and in gauges meter.
6.Forward problem solved in chat section.
7.Showing offline icon in case of adding worklog while staying offline.
8.Notification coming in the background while one tag you in a ebs post.
1. Voice option in chat
2. Image share from device to chat
3. Trace the message on which the user reply to tapping
4. Share option in file and folder
5. Sender's name to the top of an image while messaging in inbox and group.
6. No chat option for ex- colleague
7. Notification when app is in killing mode
8.Share the post without image from feed
1. File & Folder rename
2. File & folder move
3. Image share option from feed and checkin (EBS chat & external)
4. Review and rating for discount club (reviewer name is static right now)
5. Favourite add & remove issue solved
6. Bug fixing
1. Short Address regarding Discount club
2. Adding instruction to input access token
3. Showiong the codelab tasks list of employees from team lead's profile
4. Adding start date end date in case of event creating
5. Archived event list showing
6. Active all and discover event list
1. Increasing the font size in like list, checkin module and feed
2. Modification in UI of account
3. After creating form previous data should be clear (fixing)
4. Fixing the issue of 2nd line not visible for short answer and paragraph answer in form submission
5. Navigate to profile of commenter from comment box and tag people
6. Create event option at bottom right part in event list
7. private/Public accessibility is not viewed in event and event join (fixing)
8. Contact new form design
1. 'Discount' & 'Event' is disappeared from activity page
2. Contact' is placed as 'People'
3. No post available' at the bottom of colleague profile if there is no feed post
4. No status' is disappeared only last check in time is viewed in colleague profile
5. Showing more than option of checkbox in form analysis
6. Define the required field of form
7. New UI design for account create
8. New Ui for form analysis
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