课程表, 笔记
- 通过搜索和添加其他用户输入的课程轻松管理课程。
- 使用您自己的背景图片,各种盒子和文字颜色设计独特的课程表。
- 创建多个课程表和探索你的朋友的课程表。
- 在一个地方组织一切,包括事件,待办事项,备忘录。
- 使用简单的代码(#,@)和自动完成模式,轻松地添加日期,图片,主题标签(#hashtag)到您的笔记。
- 使用@课程名称自动填充模式整理课程笔记。
- 点击你的课程箱查看其笔记。
- 添加与课程相关的备忘录,活动(考试,演示),待办(论文,报告,待办事项清单)。
- 检查你的同学的名单并发送一个消息。
- 检查您的今天或每周的课程表和笔记。
ClassUp 使用手册 : https://classup.plokia.com/support
联系支持 : https://classup.plokia.com/contact
Android App Permissions
If you use ClassUp on Android, we'll ask you for permission to enable certain features when they require additional information from your device. If you opt out of the permission, you can still use ClassUp. And you can check and edit your ClassUp permissions anytime by going into the Settings app on your device.
To check and edit your ClassUp permissions
Settings - Apps & notifications - ClassUp - Permissions
ClassUp may ask following permissions when you try to use a relevant feature.
Contacts : ClassUp will ask you for this permission to access your contacts if you choose "Continue with Google" when you sign up. You can refuse it and choose "Continue with Email" or "Continue with Facebook".
Storage : ClassUp will ask you for this permission to access your storage if you want to upload your pictures in your albums to your ClassUp notes, your ClassUp wallpaper, or your ClassUp profile.
Camera : ClassUp will ask you for this permission to access your camera if you want to take a picture and upload it to your ClassUp notes, your ClassUp wallpaper, or your ClassUp profile.

- Swipe your schedule
- Specify a class's duration
- Support week A/B and biweekly class
- Maximum 10 time periods per class
- Performance optimization and bug fixed
- Fixed bugs.
If you have any bugs or suggestions, text me please.
Contact Page : https://classup.plokia.com/contact
Phone : +82 - 10 - 2699 - 7042
Email : [email protected]