Fixed some bugs.
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Fixed some bugs.
【New Feature】
1.Skill Info auto-displayed in Card Deck.
2.Share function added for chiefs to share battle results with friends and win rewards.
1.Social interface design optimized
2.No social interface displayed without war stats.
3.Gold icon disappeared after 5 times' collection by friends.
4.All exiled troops leveled down to 1 for chiefs in camp.
5.Review interface optimized
6.Battle mode cancled for newbbies when tapping on camp.
[New Feature]
1. Three new heroes added for your recruiting.
2. Review function added.
3. Daily Share Gift will be added.Your assent maybe needed for regular update.
1. Social system optimized.
2. Design of cards icon optimized.
3. The tutorial is no longer mandatory.
1. Voice effect optimized.
【New Feature】
1. 1st purchase rewards 2x diamonds;
2、New interface design added;
1.Reduce the difficulty of occupying domains of Lv.1;
2.Increase gold output in the hall, and also the cost of cards upgrade and hero draw;
3.Survival time of camp extended to 9min;
4.Exiled troops can be recruited when you're out of troops in battle;
1.Crashing problems fixed
[New Feature]
1. New theme interface.
2. Social system added; you can chat with your friends anytime.
3. New heros added; Time Tripper, Priest, Phantom are waiting for you to collect.
1. In-game map optimized.
2. Tips added at reward interface.
3. Interface optimized.
1. Fixed the problem that chief couldn't damage kingdom at the tutorial.
2. Fixed the problem that the hero spell card duration and skill damage are inconsistent.
[New Feature]
1.Special Offer: Gains special package which is including extra heroes and massive treasure after firs purchase.
1.Tutorial optimized.
2.added information about player who got failed.
3.UI optimized.
4.Spell cards are allowed to use at buildings now.
5.Igaman's attack speed increased.
6.The final battle will start at 18 min now.
1. Morale of both sides after the Igaman resurrection debug;
2. Fixed the problem that some building icon were missing.
【New Features】
1.Tutorial added;
2.New heroes added: Farmer Judy and Igaman. Get them in Hero Draw;
1.Unlock second troops at Army Lv5;
2.Path hint added for chiefs to occupy Kingdom;
3.Speed up recruitment of exiled troops and Arena Battle;
4.Icon of troops recruitment is improved;
5.The display of troop cards in battle is improved;
6.Light color of call-to-action button is improved;
1.The problems that causes crashing after entering battlefield is repaired.
1.In Common Arena: get a Megalith after destroying enemies’ flag .In Final Arena: get 3 Megaliths after destroying enemies’ flag
2. Survival duration of building is extended to 70s; Special effect of heroes’ skill is improved;Camp relocation is improved;Countdown during battle is optimized;
3. Tips of being knocked at camp stage is optimized; Path finding is optimized;Tips from Mytip is optimized;Troops performance is optimized; Balance optimized for some troops.
【New Feature】
1.Light effect added for game match and hero summon;
2.Constant reminder added for chiefs to occupy a town in 7 min;
1.Reminder of troops shortage is improved;
2.Icon of horde is improved
3.Kingdom in Final battle is improved in constant troop sending and 3 Megaliths at command after it is occupied.
4.Mic is on by fault before attack and off after battle begins.
5. Light effect of final countdown is optimized;
6. Lifebar display in battle is optimized;
Friend, feud, and chat with players around the world in real time. Enjoy gaming!
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