APK Extractor Lite extracts all APKs that are present on your android device whether it is downloaded or System apk and copies them to your SD card.
We have released an amazing feature to share apks to your friends connected in same network either WiFi or hotspot.
★ Beautiful UI.
★ Extracts with 10x speed as compared to other apps present.
★ No ROOT access required.
★ No unnecessay permissions.
★ Extracts all applications - Downloaded, System, Preloaded.
★ By Default Apk's will be saved in /sdcard/APkExtractorLite/.
★ Search option to search applications by Application Name or by their package Name.
★ Compatible with all Android versions.
★ Saved apk format AppName_AppPackage_AppVersionCode_AppVersionName.apk.
★ Directly share APK via Gmail, Dropbox, Google Drive, Hike, Shareit.
★ Various sorting options Name, install date, latest updated, size, versioncode.
★ Separate filter for Downloaded and System Applications.
★ Directly uninstall Downloaded Application.
★ Directly open any Application on Playstore on long press option.
1. fixed Extract APK for android M and newer
2 fixed Send APK for android M and newer
3 fixed search apks - now seacrh is immediate
4 removed banner, when search is active, for usability

Apk Extractor Lite APK信息