使用 aniCon 通过低功耗蓝牙 (BLE) 控制您的 aniLight 产品,包括更改设备设置(如灯光亮度、RGB 灯光颜色、白色色温、延迟时间等)和执行无线 (OTA) 固件更新以使您的设备保持最新状态。
① aniLight 关机:长按左侧PWR键3秒,红灯逆时针转一圈。
②进入BLE模式:长按右侧SET键。在按住 SET 按钮的同时,按住 PWR 按钮 3 秒钟,直到蓝色(不是绿色)灯顺时针运行一次。然后松开两个按钮。
转到 SCAN 选项卡扫描并找到名称为“aniLight_1”的 aniLight 设备。点击它进行连接。连接后右上角的 BLE 图标将变为活动状态。点击该图标以连接/断开连接。
转到 ANILIGHT 选项卡以更改已连接的 aniLight 的设置。
您需要按 SAVE 按钮来保存对设备所做的更改。
BLE 模式需要更多功率才能运行。所以完成设置更改后,重新进入正常模式:
① 关闭设备电源。
② 正常开机:长按PWR键3秒,直到绿灯顺时针长亮一次。

Last updated on 2023年08月04日
aniCon Ver 1.0.2:
* Provided the firmware (v1.2) update for aniLight.
Please refer to the Help tab for the detailed information.
aniLight button operations for Settings have been changed with the new firmware v1.2:
* Single press SET button to change Brightness.
* Double press SET button to change Color.
* Triple press SET button to change Delay Time.
When the desired Setting value is reached, press SET button again to save and exit Settings.
Or press PWR button to cancel and exit Settings.
* Provided the firmware (v1.2) update for aniLight.
Please refer to the Help tab for the detailed information.
aniLight button operations for Settings have been changed with the new firmware v1.2:
* Single press SET button to change Brightness.
* Double press SET button to change Color.
* Triple press SET button to change Delay Time.
When the desired Setting value is reached, press SET button again to save and exit Settings.
Or press PWR button to cancel and exit Settings.