Bhasuri Inn
Bhasuri Inn সম্পর্কে
Booking at Bhasuri Inn is made easy in a series of simple user-friendly steps.
Our app takes the visitor through a well-structured step-wise booking process, offering all necessary information in easily readable form, for a stress-free booking experience.
Highly secured to protect the personal information and other details of client, the app is very easy to use and comes with a host of additional features to assist the customer.
1. Room booking: Short and precise descriptions of available rooms, along with tariffs and conditions, enable quick selection and hassle-free booking.
2. Booking history: Customers can view/modify their booking using this feature.
3. Special offers: The app continuously updates with latest offers the hotel offers its esteemed customers.
4. Nearby feature: This is a unique feature which will help customers around the world booking with Bhasuri InnTM to explore the surroundings while staying at the hotel. This feature enables them to find ATMs, hospitals, malls etc near the hotel, as well as places of tourist interest. The feature is integrated with Google maps, and can provide information for Guruvayur, Thrissur or the entire Kerala state, which is a boon for tourists who wish to be well-informed on how to go about exploring the place. This feature is their guide to touring Kerala.
5. Gallery: Customers can take a video tour of the rooms and other facilities like banquet hall, restaurant etc of the hotel.
What's new in the latest 2.0.3
# Date based room search
# Bug fixed
# Optimised network connectivity
# Modified material design
Bhasuri Inn APK Information
Bhasuri Inn এর পুরানো সংস্করণ
Bhasuri Inn 2.0.3
Bhasuri Inn 1.2.3
Bhasuri Inn 1.0.2
APKPure অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে অতি দ্রুত এবং নিরাপদ ডাউনলোড করা হচ্ছে
Android-এ XAPK/APK ফাইল ইনস্টল করতে এক-ক্লিক করুন!